Live Colonoscopy



Colonoscopy video series

This video will guide you through the entire process of your colonoscopy. You'll learn when to arrive, and what to expect during and after the test.

Patient Video - Colonoscopy

In this video we provide a guide to patients undergoing a colonoscopy. We inform patients on: Why it is important to have a colonoscopy, when you should ...


2022年5月28日 — A colonoscopic examination involves gently inserting a fiber-optic colonoscope into your rectum and large intestine to view your lower ...


Thisvideowillguideyouthroughtheentireprocessofyourcolonoscopy.You'lllearnwhentoarrive,andwhattoexpectduringandafterthetest.,,Inthisvideoweprovideaguidetopatientsundergoingacolonoscopy.Weinformpatientson:Whyitisimportanttohaveacolonoscopy,whenyoushould ...,2022年5月28日—Acolonoscopicexaminationinvolvesgentlyinsertingafiber-opticcolonoscopeintoyourrectumandlargeintestinetoviewyourlower ...,